- Country Report: Report on multicultural experiences of your country in education.
- Paper Presentation: Oral or written presentation related to main theme of the Summit.
- Training Workshop: 60 min training topic and program on how to realize multiculturalism in classrooms or in schools.
- Discussion Workshop: Topics and outline for a 60 min group discussion related to main theme of the Summit.
Country Reports should primarily focus on:
- In the context of 'Education for Humanity' country report examining the role of establishing social peace and taking into account the human dimension of educational practices in the country will be presented.
Paper Presentations might be on:
- Guiding of Asian thinkers for education
- Human centration in the classification of sciences
- Human-centeredness of training programs
- Education and migration
- Education and basic human rights
- Education and social peace
- Education and international mobility
- Good examples and applications in education
- Paradigmatic transformation and search in education
- Role of NGOs in the contribution of education to social peace
- Examples of multicultural education practices in different countries
- Good education practices that develop human will
- Educational approaches based on human freedom
- Development of training models suitable for human creation
- School model in the frame of authentic educational approaches
- Re-establish school in the framework of authentic educational approaches
- Development of authentic teaching programs
- Teacher training in the frame of authentic educational approaches
- Globalization and modern school
- Global Media, peace and education
- Criticism of modern educational approaches
- Good examples / practices in class and school for social peace
- Social peace and teacher training policies
- Social differences and education
- Yesevi, İbniSina and Farabi's educational approaches
Training Workshop might be on:
- Justice focused classroom training activities
- Design of multicultural teacher rooms
- Tolerance-focused classroom activities
- Libertarian educational practices
- Education practices for a generation that is in peace with itself and society
- Compassionate school and classroom training activities
- Freedom-focused classroom training activities
- Responsive classroom activities
- Social peace-focused classroom activities
Discussion Workshop might be on:
- The possibility of reestablishing the peace society in the context of the practices of Ahilik and Futuvvet
- Educational approaches suitable for human creation
- The dilemmas of the modern school and alternative exit routes