- Country Report: Report on multicultural experiences of your country in education.
- Paper Presentation: Oral or written presentation related to main theme of the Summit.
- Training Workshop: 60 min training topic and program on how to realize multiculturalism in classrooms or in schools.
- Discussion Workshop: Topics and outline for a 60 min group discussion related to main theme of the Summit.
Country Reports should primarily focus on:
- How the government of your country implement “Cross-cultural Education and Multicultural Experiences in Education”
Paper Presentations might be on:
- Comparative study on cross-cultural education and multicultural educational experineces
- Education and social peacebuilding
- Role of education system in enhancing social diversity
- Education system and basic human rights
- Realationship of school and society and role of NGOs
- Teacher training policies in terms of contribution to social peacebuilding
- Media, peacebuilding and education
- Best practice and examples on peace and harmony inside classrooms and school
- Social media and its reflections on multiculturalism
- Applications that contribute to multiculturalism in digital media
- Best practices of multicultural education in different countries
- Curriculums and multiculturalism
- Education and international mobility
- Education and migration
- Project on cross-cultural education
- Current and tomorrow’s perspective of emerging global educational networks
Training Workshop might be on:
- Educational practices to develope individual independency
- Teaching activities for social peace in classrooms
- Teaching activities how to be in peace with itself and society
- Designing multicultural teacher’s lounge
- Teaching activities on tolerance, justice, equality, self-esteem, compassion
- Best practices to contribute for a better understanding of multiculturalism via social media, websites and mobile applications
Discussion Workshop might be on:
- Peace, education and school
- Multiculturalism in education
- Cross-cultural education
- Textbooks and intercultural education